Toddler Balance Bike No Pedal Walk Training Pink
What’s the biggest difference between a balance bike and a standard bike is the lack of pedals, it allows kids to focus on learning balance before learning to ride, a perfect way to train their core muscle and legs strength. This balance bike is designed for kids over 24 months, with the adjustable cushion seat and kid-friendly frame, your kids can easily get on and off their bike and benefit a comfortable and smooth ride. Offer your kids this great and well-designed balance bike and you won’t disappointed with your choice.
- Adjust seat height from 36-41cm
- This balance bike is designed for kids 2-5 years and weight less than 25kg
- Pedal-free beginner bike allows children to focus on learning balance and help build core muscle and coordination
- Sturdy metal frame for added durability
- Shock absorber included for safety and smooth riding
- EVA tires with non-slip surface ensure the smooth riding without leaking or tire burst
- Cushion seat and hand grips are soft to touch for a comfortable ride
- Simply assembly required
- Item Name: Balance bike
- Brand Name: HOMCOM
- Color: Pink
- Material: PP, Metal
- Overall Dimension: 85L x 36W x 54H cm
- Seat Height: 40-48 cm
- Max Load: 25kg
- Suit for: 2-5 years old
- Net Weight: 4kg
- Flat Pack: Yes
- Custom Label: 370-090PK